Sunday, March 8, 2009


Here is a little update of the previous week after getting back from Tromso. We had another full week of school, through Thursday that is! We finished up our Historie class and have an exam Monday, we have one more week of Norwegian, and on Wednesday we had student presentations in Norwegian Culture & Society class. Some intense planning for spring break and other trips have taken place as well as a bunch of postcards were written and mailed out recently! Today, Sunday is Bri's birthday so with a bunch of our recycled bottles we collected money and are having a taco fiesta tonight to celebrate! We have also had the weirdest luck with buses this weekend trying to simply get in and out of town! And even today Andie and I almost got stuck way out at the ski jump trying to see the World Cup Skiing, but it was cancelled because of visibilty issues! We are all getting really excited for more travel and getting a new schedule after about five weeks here! Cheers to new adventures!

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